Feng Shui Tip | Should I Buy A House With A Lucky Address Number?

The following is a tip from Feng Shui Specialist Sam Plovie of QiPro Sam.

Should I Buy A House With A Lucky Address Number?

Interesting question… and it will depend on what you consider to be lucky?

The decision to buy a house with a ‘lucky’ house number ultimately depends on your belief in luck and your personal preferences.

Some people believe that a lucky house number can bring positive energy and good fortune, while others may not put much importance on it.

Some people believe that an unlucky house number can bring negative energy and disaster, and put a lot of importance on it...

It’s worth noting that a house’s number is just one factor to consider when purchasing a property.

Factors such as location, size, price, and condition must also be taken into account.

The real question is; what is your belief around lucky numbers?

Are there specific lucky numbers for my house?

Different cultures and belief systems have varying opinions on whether certain house numbers are luckier than others.

For example, in Chinese culture, the number 8 is associated with wealth and good fortune, and some homebuyers even applied to change their address to include an 8!

Whereas the number 4 is considered unlucky because its pronunciation is similar to the word for “death,” and some homebuyers won’t even consider a 4 in their address.

If we list lucky numbers using Chinese Metaphysics as a backdrop, we would see:

  • 8 is current wealth and prosperity

  • 9 is emerging wealth and prosperity

  • 1 is distant wealth and prosperity

  • 6 is leadership, clarity and purpose

Does that make all the other numbers unlucky then…?

Do you need to move because your address is ‘wrong’ or missing one of these numbers…?


Remember this is a belief system; it’s far more important to choose a house for its location, investment potential, positive Feng Shui and personal lifestyle alignment

Does Feng Shui have a lucky house number?

Feng Shui is the art and science of understanding how the environment affects you, and THIS is where the change will be felt, not in the address.

Inside Feng Shui, the numbers 9 and 1 are becoming prosperous and 8 is declining.

This means it’s important to assess the Feng Shui of the home to ensure it has access to the incoming prosperous Feng Shui energy (9), which has nothing to do with the house address.

Ultimately, the perception of lucky or unlucky house numbers is subjective and will vary based on your beliefs and personal experiences.

Follow your instincts on what resonates with you, and continue to learn about other cultures and their significance to your home sale/purchase, as it may give you the advantage you are looking for in the future. 

If you’re looking to purchase a prosperous Feng Shui home, come find me here, and let’s align you to your best future!

About Sam

QiPro Sam is a much sought after classically trained Feng Shui Specialist who has been in business for over 12 years. She assists clients with their real estate transactions to align their investments with their personal goals and ensure financial security, health, and family wellbeing. Schooled in the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, Sam is a Master of Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology and enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower others. She works with clients globally and offers student coaching to aspiring consultants. Her commitment to excellence has earned her the respect of colleagues in her industry and cultivated a loyal clientele. She looks forward to helping more people align their lives so they can experience a life of prosperity and abundance.